The European Disability Card in simplified language

This card is for people with disabilities.

This card can be used for culture, sport and leisure. For example, going to cinemas, theaters, museums, amusement parks...

It is a new card. This is not the card for using parking spaces or public transport.

This card gives advantages. For example, lower prices, reserved seats, adapted tours, easy-to-read booklets, etc. 

Ask institutions in the areas of culture, leisure and sports if they accept the card and what benefits they provide. On the 'Benefits with the card' page, you can search for places that accept the European Disability Card and offer benefits.

This card is valid in Belgium but also in Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Malta, Slovenia and Romania.

This card is free. It is personal, it is yours alone. You must carry it with you.

If the card is stolen or if you lose it, you can have a new card, but only once.

This card wants to help people with disabilities participate in activities like everyone else.

Applying for the card

You can get the card from the institution that has recognised you as a person with disabilities:

1. In Belgium, the Federal Public Service for Social Security:

  1. You can apply for the card via the digital service point My Handicap. If you need help navigating the online application process, please consult this website.
  2. You can apply for the card by filling in the contact form.  
  3. You can also send a letter to the following address:

    Federale Overheidsdienst Sociale Zekerheid
    Directie-generaal Personen met een handicap
    Kruidtuinlaan 50 bus 150
    1000 Brussels

2. In Flanders, at the Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities

  1. You can apply for the card online via the digital service point of VAPH.

3. In Wallonia, the Agency for a Good Life, the AVIQ:

  1. You can apply for the card by calling or emailing the office in your area. You can also visit the office to apply for the card. After your application has been processed, the card will be sent to you by post. Visit the website of AVIQ to see an overview of all the offices and their contact details.
  2. You can also call the general number 08 001 60 61, email numé, or fill in the form on the website of AVIQ.

4. In Brussels, the Phare service:

  1. You can apply for the card by sending a letter to the following address:

    Dienst Phare
    Paleizenstraat 42
    1030 Brussels
  2. You can also call 02 800 82 03 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm, except on Wednesdays) or email When submitting your application, include your first name and surname, your date of birth and your National Register Number.
  3. You can also visit the office to apply for the card. Remember to make an appointment first. You can do this by calling or emailing them (see contact details above). After your application has been processed, the card will be sent to you by post.

5. In East Belgium, the German-speaking Office for Persons with Disabilities (DSL)

  1. You can apply for the card by calling 08 009 00 11 or emailing
  2. You can also visit the office to apply for the card. Their visiting address is:

    Vennbahnstraße 4/4
    4780 Sankt Vith

    After your application has been processed, the card will be sent to you by post.

You must prepare your application, with:

  • Your name and surname
  • Your date of birth
  • Your national registry number (located on the back of your ID card)
  • Your file number (AVIQ, Phare, VAPH, DSL)

More information about accessibility

Accessibility = to adapt something so persons with disabilities can better participate in activities.

  • Some examples:
  • An elevator instead of stairs.
  • In the cinema, a system that transmits sound to the hearing impaired.
  • An easy-to-understand tour.

Do you have any questions?

Do you have any further questions about the European Disability Card? Take a look at our answers to frequently asked questions. If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact us via the form below or email us at:

Please note that we only answer questions from Belgian citizens. If you live in Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Malta, Slovenia or Romania, please contact the competent authorities of your country.