Become a partner of the EDC!

The address where visitors should go. These details are visible to website visitors. If you are an umbrella organisation with several locations, fill in a form per location (e.g. several concert halls in Belgium, several swimming pool locations, etc.).
The phone number where visitors can ask you questions.
The full url (https://...) of your website, preferably of the page where your EDC benefits are listed.
Contact person
The person to contact for questions and comments. This data is not visible to website visitors.
Select the type of activity you offer as a partner to EDC holders. You can successively select multiple activities from the list.
Select the type of benefits you offer to EDC holders. You can select multiple benefits from the list.
Describe your activities and/or benefits in more detail, but keep it short. Place most of the details on your own website, where you can update them more easily. This description is visible in the extended list of partners for website visitors.
Very briefly describe your activities and/or benefits. This short description is sometimes visible (constantly changing, randomly selected) on the homepage for website visitors.
Your information is provided on the site in four languages. You help us a great deal by providing your own desired translations into Dutch, French, German and English of your name, address, detailed and brief description of your activities and benefits.
Your personal data as contact person are only used to compile an internal contact list with organisations offering benefits to European Disability Card holders. Your personal data are not visible on the website. Read the full privacy policy of the FPS Social Security at